INVision helps you take the guess work out of creating the policy that is right for your organisation. We can assist you in developing and reviewing your current policies, procedures, practices and also develop strategies to address your specific workplace issues.
We can assist with the creation or development of policies and procedures in the areas of;
- Grievance Management;
- Complaints Management;
- Discipline and Misconduct;
- Internal Investigations;
- Equal Employment Opportunity;
- Code of Conduct;
- Performance Management;
- Conflicts of Interest; and
- Handling protected disclosures.
In consultation with you, INVision can provide tailor made policies to suit your organisations requirements. Off-the-shelf or generic policies may not reflect your organisations individual needs, and can often lead to problems. Allow us to assist you in ensuring your policies and procedures are compliant with the relevant legislation and industry standards.
Policies and procedures that are compliant with workplace laws are imperative to every workplace.
Policies which clearly articulate your organisations values, expectations and provide guidelines to staff about appropriate conduct in the workplace, are invaluable. These policies can also provide guidance to managers to ensure decision making procedures are fair and equitable, and also protect the organisation against adverse claims by employees.
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Want to learn more or need further help? See our frequently asked questions for more information.